TCFBO #055: Systems vs Processes

Freeing up your time to become more efficient, effective and scalable.

Read Time: 3 minutes

Paul can be just a tiny bit obsessive when it comes to systems and processes.

But even Philly, who much prefers spontaneity, has come to realise that systems and processes are invaluable.

Because reliable systems and repeatable processes mean you become more efficient and have more time and energy to focus on those things you love.

Now, often the terms "systems" and "processes" are used interchangeably.

But, actually, they have distinct roles.

And by understanding these roles you can significantly improve the efficiency of your business.

So, here’s a very quick guide to differentiate the two and make sure you are harnessing their power effectively.


What are Processes?

Processes are a specific sequence of actions taken to achieve a particular outcome.

They are the detailed steps to follow to complete tasks or solve problems.

For example, if you were taking on a new client, you might have individual processes for the:

  • initial consultation

  • contract signing

  • setting up the client’s account


What are Systems?

Systems, on the other hand, are sets of processes and tools that are interconnected.

They are the overarching frameworks that support and manage the various processes within your business.

Going back to our example of bringing on a new client, a system could include various components such as:

  • software that supports the contract signing and setting up the client’s account

  • training manuals for new team members to learn how to bring on a new client

  • metrics to evaluate the success of bringing on a new client


Processes are about how to carry out individual tasks.

Systems are about where these tasks fit within the larger operation.

Systems ensure that processes are consistent and that different parts of your business can work together seamlessly.

They provide the structure needed to repeat processes efficiently and effectively.


If you want to use both processes and systems to improve your business, then start off by mapping out your key processes.

This will help you to identify any inefficiencies or tasks that are no longer relevant and can be safely ditched.

(If you’re new to documenting processes, check this out.)

Next, look at the systems supporting these processes.

Are there tools that could make these processes smoother?

Are there bottlenecks you can eliminate to improve overall productivity?

Are there ways to reduce the number of handover points from one process to another or from one person to another to cut back the chances of things being dropped?


If you focus on systems and processes as part of your overall business strategy you should see a notable improvement in your business efficiency as well as building a structure to help you scale and grow.

However, a word of caution.

Once you start to see the effect that good processes and systems have on how your business operates, you may become just a tiny bit obsessive about implementing them in other areas of your life too!

Let us know how you get on and we’ll see you next week.

Paul & Philly

Whenever you’re ready, there are three ways we can help you:

  1. Grab a copy of Paul’s book “Backwards Planning - A Simple Method to Move You and Your Business Forward” and discover how to reverse engineer a life and business you truly love.

  2. Book a facilitated “Life Vision Session” today and start creating a life and business that are fully aligned with your heart’s desires. We’ll arrange a pre-session call with you to say “Hi”, explain how the Life Vision Session works and answer any questions you may have.

  3. Apply to join “The Clear Focus Business Academy” and ensure your business is the most effective it can be at providing the money and lifestyle you desire. Simply drop us an email or contact us here to tell us you’re interested and we’ll send you more info.


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