TCFBO #043: Focus Creates Reality

The secret to creating the results you truly desire.

Read Time: 4 minutes

If you’re clear on your business vision but you’re struggling to create the results you truly desire, then it’s probably time to examine what you’re focusing on.

Because in our experience, focus creates reality.

And your focus will be creating your reality.

In his book, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, T. Harv Eker explains this at its simplest when he writes:

“Thoughts lead to feelings. Feelings lead to actions. Actions lead to results.”

We realise there’s a lot more to it than that, including ingrained beliefs, values and habits.

But at the most fundamental and simplistic level, you have a thought, it creates a feeling, you take an action and you get a result. 

Your thoughts are a key ingredient you are feeding into your subconscious mind.

And your subconscious mind is directing you through life.

In practice, it’s more like you have a thought which creates a feeling which creates another thought which creates another feeling and so on and so on, until eventually you feel compelled to take some kind of action.

So, not every thought you have will have the same weight or impact on your life.

It’s a bit like owning shares in a company.

If you want to control a company you have to have a majority shareholding of 51% or more.

In the same way, it’s your predominant thoughts, the ones you have the majority of the time that are going to chart the direction of your life.

And this is the case whether you are consciously aware of your thoughts or not.

Your predominant thoughts are the majority ingredient going into your subconscious mind. 

Your predominant thoughts are the ones you are putting into your subconscious mind 51% of the time or more.

And this includes the billions of pieces of information your subconscious is picking up every single day without you consciously thinking about it.

So, what are the majority of your thoughts focused on?

Or put another way, what is your underlying focus?

Now, if you have absolutely no desire to change or improve anything about your life or your business, then there’s no need for you to change your underlying focus.

You’re creating exactly what you desire!

But if you take a look at your life or your business and it’s not the way you desire it to be, something needs to change.

That change starts with your underlying focus.

And if you want to know what your underlying focus is, take a good hard look at your reality.

If your reality is that you don’t have enough time, your underlying focus will be “I don’t have enough time”.

Because if you are feeding “I want more time” into your subconscious mind as your predominant thought, you’re going to generate feelings of need, lack, want, and possibly desperation.

And these feelings are going to lead to you taking actions that ultimately result in you creating a reality where you are still “wanting more time”.

It’s a self fulfilling prophecy.

You keep telling yourself you don’t have enough time and sure enough, your subconscious takes that instruction, generates a feeling and causes you to take actions that ensure you don’t have enough time.

We’re simplifying to make the point, but we’re sure you grasp the principle.

If you’re in a situation where you need more money, then the chances are that your underlying focus, up until now, has been something like “I need more money”.

Put “I need more money” into your subconscious mind as your predominant thought and you’re going to generate feelings of need, lack, want, and possibly desperation.

And feeling this way is going to lead to you taking actions that result in you creating a reality where you are still “needing more money”.

If you’re feeling like you’re not good enough, or the work you’re doing isn’t good enough, then your underlying focus up to this point will have been on “not being good enough”.

If you’re feeling like you’re not making enough progress in your business, then your underlying focus up to this point will have been on “not making enough progress”.

So what has your underlying focus been up to this point?

Now, if things aren’t as you desire them to be, don’t fall into the trap of thinking you’re not the master of your own destiny.

Because in fact you are just as powerful a creator as someone who has everything they desire.

Both of you are creating what you’re focusing on.

It’s just that you haven’t been focusing on what you truly desire, and they have.

So no matter what situation you currently find yourself in, congratulate yourself on being an excellent creator.

We mean it.

Actually be delighted with yourself for creating your reality.

Then make a conscious decision to change your focus onto the outcomes you truly desire.

After all, you’ve already demonstrated that you’re capable of creating results, so you may as well choose to create results you love rather than results you don’t.

And the good news is that in order to change your underlying focus you do not need to be thinking positive thoughts 100% of the time.

It simply requires that, the majority of your focus (i.e. 51% or more) is on what you truly desire.

And a really simple way to shift your focus to what you truly desire is to ask yourself:

 “What do I love?”

 Let us know how you get on and we’ll see you next week.

 Paul & Philly 

Whenever you’re ready, there are three ways we can help you:

  1. Grab a copy of Paul’s book “Backwards Planning - A Simple Method to Move You and Your Business Forward” and discover how to reverse engineer a life and business you truly love.

  2. Book a facilitated “Life Vision Session” today and start creating a life and business that are fully aligned with your heart’s desires. We’ll arrange a pre-session call with you to say “Hi”, explain how the Life Vision Session works and answer any questions you may have.

  3. Apply to join “The Clear Focus Business Academy” and ensure your business is the most effective it can be at providing the money and lifestyle you desire. Simply drop us an email or contact us here to tell us you’re interested and we’ll send you more info.


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