TCFBO #027: Tame the Tech

10 straightforward tips to keep tech from taking over.

Read Time: 2.5 minutes

Smart phones and other technology may have unleashed us from being at a desk all day.

But they can also be the most intrusive and distracting items, shortening our attention spans, and taking us away from building our businesses.

Over the years, we’ve looked at a number of different ways of keeping the tech under control.

Here are 10 of the ways we’ve found most useful in cutting through the noise, keeping our focus and taming the tech!

They’re quick and easy to implement, so you can put many of them in place today if you choose to.

1. Silence is Golden.

Keep your phone on silent.

If you absolutely must get alerted, use the vibrate mode.

It’s far less intrusive.


2. Use a Favourites List for Your VIP Contacts

On both Android and iOS, you can set up certain contacts as “Favourites” so only calls from these people come through.

That way, if your phone does vibrate, you’ll know it’s important.


3. Use the 'Do Not Disturb' Function

Use it a lot!

Set it for the times you need to concentrate.

Make sure you are setting your schedule and not allowing your phone to dictate when you work.


4. Ditch Social Media Apps

Take them off your phone.

Use a web browser instead.

It's clunkier, which means you'll be a lot less tempted to waste time.

Plus, if you always log out after each session and tell the browser to forget you, you’re adding yet more hurdles to overcome before opening a social media session.

Which has the added benefit of alerting your mind as to whether what you’re about to do is essential for your business or just a time waster.


5. Kill the Notifications

Turn them off.

All of them.

Anything that’s going to interrupt you.

On your phone, your tablet and your laptop.

Be ruthless.

Then have scheduled times when you check specific items.


6. Check Emails on a Schedule

Set times to check your emails.

You're in charge, not your inbox.

Combine this with the Inbox 80% Productivity Hack and you’ll be amazed at how much focus you regain.


7. Mute Group Chats in Messaging Apps

Don’t get bogged down by every message in group chats.

Mute them.

If someone needs you, they can mention you directly.

Again, set specific times to check them but give yourself a time limit.


8. Use an Actual Alarm Clock Rather Than Your Phone

Keep your phone out of the bedroom.

Use a real alarm clock instead.

This tells your brain that the bedroom is for sleep and intimacy, not for emails or social media.

Plus, you’ll get a better rest if you avoid staring at a screen just before you sleep.


9. Create a Buffer From Tech After Waking

Wait at least 30 minutes after you get up before you check your phone, tablet or laptop.

Commit to doing something else before turning your tech on.

Even if it’s just getting showered and dressed.

The space you create will assist you in making sure you work to your agenda and not everyone else’s.


10. Morning Mindfulness

Start your day as you mean to go on.

What you do first thing in the morning can set the tone for the rest of the day.

So make a conscious decision to do something you’ll feel great about before reaching for the tech.


That’s it.

Ten no-nonsense ways that has stopped tech from running our lives.

We suggest giving at least one or two of them a go today.

Because once you start to regain your time and experience greater clarity and focus, it’s highly likely that you will want to implement the others.

Let us know how you get on and we’ll see you next week.

Paul & Philly

P.S. Got any no-nonsense tips of your own? Send them our way. We could all do with less distraction and we’ll share them in a future newsletter.

Whenever you’re ready, there are two ways we can help you:

1. Discover how to create a life and business you truly love with your copy of “Backwards Planning - A Simple Method to Move You and Your Business Forward” from Amazon.

“Backwards Planning” cuts through the noise of running a business. It provides clarity and sound advice for business owners to help them determine their vision, focus on objectives and achieve success in both their work and personal goals.

2. To work with us through the entire “Backwards Planning” process outlined in the book, you can apply to join The Clear Focus Business Academy.

The first step is to book a facilitated Life Vision Session which we conduct one to one over Zoom. This session will not only give you clarity on what you want from your life but will give you the opportunity to experience how we work and ensure we're a good fit for each other before deciding whether The Clear Focus Business Academy is right for you. It comes with a 100% money back guarantee, so if you're not entirely satisfied, simply let us know at the end of the session and we'll issue a full refund.

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